Monday, April 14, 2008

To wean or not to wean, that is the question.........

Ok so I have a dilemma.
The Bug LOVES nursing. When I say LOVES, I mean it! When it is time to go to bed and "noorse" she gets all excited and giggly. I am not opposed to just nursing her to sleep. It is actually a quiet zen time for me. She is 18 months old and I definitely never planned on doing it this long but it's ok. Well it's ok to a point. My problem is that she want to nurse through the night. She want my boob out and ready for her at the least little stirring. I am the dairy queen and she hits the drive through all night long! I know this isn't good for her teeth and it is a bit annoying for me. I would like to be able to switch positions and be covered. She is usually good from 11pm to 3 or 4am. THEN it is an all out feed fest. Sometimes she gets all into it and gropes and prods me like a horny teenage boy. This needs to stop! Ideally, she should be in her own bed and self-soothing but that hasn't happened. I tried to just deny her Saturday and Sunday nights. Saturday she cried for like 2 hours but fell asleep. Last night, she cried, screamed, and kicked. She, at one point, stopped and just stared at me with her mouth gaping open. I swear she was trying to get into my mind! "Come one you old witch, open your shirt, you know I am going to win this stand off, just bow to my will!" And for the sake of sleep, I did!

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