Friday, April 4, 2008

Frozen Blueberries to the rescue......again!

So The Bug is teething. It must be a big molar because she was up for a lot of the night. Poor thing. Well, poor both of us cause I was right there with her. She wanted to be held, then she wanted nothing touching her, she wanted to hug her June (from the Little Einsteins) cup and sleep but she couldn't get comfortable. She was miserable and couldn't get situated. I tried ice, teething rings, and everything I could think of. I had The Saint go get her some Motrin and that finally calmed her but she tossed and turned all night. About 2 am, she shot up like a cannon and screamed in pain. Luckily, it had been long enough between doses and I could give her more Motrin. While we were waiting for it to kick in, we raided the freezer for cold things to chew. Low and behold, there were her blueberries. She went from crabby, fussy, and whining, to giggling in 10 seconds flat. By the light of the freezer, there we say popping blueberries into our mouths, making chomping sounds and giggling. Why do I forget about the blueberries every time?!?!?
She seemed better this morning. Hopefully she will be well enough for a CVS run!!! I haven't been all week!

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