Thursday, April 10, 2008

Making Butter

This weekend I have committed myself to learn how to make my own butter. I read that all you need is Heavy Cream and a jar. You just shake, shake, shake. I am anxious to see how this turns out. I might even make muffins or biscuits with the buttermilk. Sounds wonderful!! I am trying to be more concientious about what I put in our bodies. Making our own food helps that. I am having visions of making our own garlic butter, lime chili butter for corn on the cob, and honey butter for our toast. Now this is my vision, great, right?
Here is the reality - I will get the stuff to make the butter. We might actually give it a try. It will sit in a jar in the fridge next to the pickles i made no one will eat until about 5 months later when The Saint says "can I get rid of this crap? What was it anyway?".
I am trying it anyway. Sounds interesting. Who know it may work out.

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