Tuesday, August 19, 2008

teenage logic and more bed time banter......

So I am conversing with Whatever, who is dangerously close to being a teenager, at dinner last night. She is giving me her side of the whole dress code issue. Her side being, "we should be able to wear what we want", my side being " be lucky you don't have to wear brown plaid jumpers like I did!". Really, they wear khakis and polo type shirts. It is heaven for me as we don't have to deal with designer/name brand crapola. Anyway, I digress. So she is WAY against the dress code thing and has many reasons for her stance, like, "khakis suck", "it's not fair", and my all time favorite "just because. ". An argument I have heard every year of middle school.
So we finish up dinner and as we are cleaning up she tells me "my friends and I decided we are all going to wear red shirts and red socks tomorrow". WTF?!?!?!?

Bug Banter

The Bug and I are snuggling in to bed last night and I tell her "night night" and she tells me "no it's lunch time".

She was giving her baby a bath and cradled her real close, rocked her, and told her "it's ok, baby, I take you to Kroger"

My all time favorite is when she wants to be held "I hold you, Mommy"

Peace Out

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