Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This too shall pass....

My new mantra.
Whatever won't be a middle schooler forever, she will grow up. Man, she is going to take us for a ride until that happens! No details necessary, she is just wearing us out! She would much rather risk punishment than ask permission. The teen years are going to be hell.
This too shall pass..........
To top an already bad week off, my cat peed in the bed this morning. Right by The Bug's head! I spent the morning chasing her down and rubbing her nose in it. She is old and moody and when she gets mad she gets even. The Bug thought all of the hubub was pretty darn funny and Whatever was just happy my anger was not directed at her for once. I broke my broom, trying to get her out form under the bed.
This too shall pass.........
I answer phones at my work and lately we have had a plethora of hang up calls. I drives me nuts. I hate answering phones anyway but to rush to pick it up and have no one there, well that might just be what puts me in the home. Why do I answer phones for a living when I absolutely hate the sound of a ringing phone?? Money.
This too shall pass..........
Alright, whine session over, the phones are ringing..........................

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