Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So Whatever has a dress code at her school. Naturally she is trying to push it at all times. I have to inspect her every morning. Flashback to the second day of school this year. She is wearing her school clothes and on top of them she has one of her summer tops. Now why would there be a dress code if the kids were allowed to just put what they really wanted to wear on top of everything?!?! She told me it got cold in school, that is why she has to wear this light weight short sleeved shirt on top of her collared shirt. Makes sense to me! I told her to take it off. So today she tries to pull the same trick with the same clothes and the same excuse!! I told her no. She says to me "but you told me I could wear it when it got cold out and it is FREEZING this morning." Huh? I have to sit for a minute and try to figure out if it was crack or heroine that I was smoking when I told her that. Then I realized that I probaby said that it was way too hot to layer clothes like that when we originally had this discussion on the second day of school. In 12 year oldese, that translates to "give it another shot when it gets colder, see if she notices".

I just want to know when I became "That Mom". The one that is constantly nagging her kid to clean her room, checking her backpack for contraband or notes from school that "forget" to make their way into my hands, confiscating makeup, the one that awlways has to say NO. I want to be a cool Mom sometimes. I have told her that if she gets good grades, she can dye her hair, peirce her nose, whatever. She gets ok grades but not good enough to warrant all that!
Oh well, it is more important that we both survive the tween years than that she likes me.

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