Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My green tip this week....

Not just in the bins, either!
If you need something, try to find someone that has it and is not using it.
Today I found this table on Cheapcycle for $10 -

It is a little faded but a new one would get faded, too.
We also got a Turtle Sandbox for free with Freecycle.
I buy a lot of clothes for myself and the girls at Goodwill. This is not just because I am cheap. I think we have enough manufactured goods in the world, we need to recycle everything we can. We don't look like scallywags either!!!!!!! I find name brand stuff. Whatever does a lot of eye rolling on our Goodwill trips but the deal is that she can do whatever she wants (within reason) to the clothes, like cut off jeans and make bleach patterns.

I am working on reducing and recycling.........................

The Bug has a new favorite word "elmo", not the bright red character, either. It is her word for elbow! SHe walks around poointing out her "elmo" to anyone that will pay attention!

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