Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Coversations with Whatever

Last week
W: I think I am going to be a vegetarian now
me: That's great. We will have to be creative and figure out meal ideas for you since the rest of us aren't. You can't just eat cheese pizza and macaroni and cheese. You will have to eat a lot more vegetables.
W: You know I don't do vegetables, jeez.
me:The whole point of vegetarianism is that it is a plant based diet, VEGEtarin, VEGEtable, get it?
W: rolls her eyes, makes some sort of sound with her throat and walks off

me:I'm going to Target and Meijer, anyone need anything?
W: I have a big extra credit project, I need to go to Michael's and get brown paint, popsicle sticks, and glue sticks for the glue gun.
me: does it have to be today? can we do it some other time.
W: I need to get started on it! Gawd!
So her grandmother ended up taking her for some bonding time.
She was off Monday for President's Day so she went to her birth moms house.
me: take your project stuff since you have the whole day to do it and get it done. That way you won't have to stress about it.
W: why? It isn't due until the end of the month.
me: then why you HAVE to have the stuff this weekend?
W: I just wanted it.

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